I wouldn't have conceived my first child if I wasn't doing this

I wouldn't have conceived my first child if I wasn't doing this

Could you imagine trying to conceive without even timing your conception efforts appropriately? 🤯 I can't tell you how many clients I've seen who had been trying to conceive for a year or more or had already started working with a fertility clinic (despite wanting to stay out of the medical system- feeling like it was their only option) and didn't even know when they were fertile or if they were even ovulating.

Here's the thing: if you're not ovulating, then you can't get pregnant.

And if you are ovulating, but you don't know when, and you don't know how to identify when you're fertile, then you're really relying on a whole lotta chance and faith to get you pregnant. Psst… you have far more control during this process than you may think.

I teach you all about how to identify your best chances for successful conception in my FREE fertility masterclass, accept your invitation here!

Embracing the Magic of Natural Fertility Tracking

When my husband and I were finally ready to start trying to conceive, it happened to fall during the same time as The Baha’i Fast. So, I participated in the Bahá’í Fast for the days leading up to ovulation.

My general ovulation trends leading up to that point led me to expect ovulation between day 15-17 every cycle. But something different happened the cycle I conceived my first child…

While I was mindful about my nutrition during the fast, I didn't ovulate when I expected to. I didn't even show any fertile signs until I stopped fasting!

📈 Here's how that looked in my chart: I began producing cervical mucus after I stopped fasting during the day and I finally ovulated 4-5 days later than I usually would have.

You see, the first half of your cycle is particularly sensitive to your lifestyle habits and stressors that you experience; eating patterns, exercise, time zone travel, sleep, emotional stress, light exposure, (and more!) all have an impact. If your body doesn’t feel “safe” to carry a pregnancy, ovulation may be delayed.

By charting my fertility signs:

  •  Charting basal body temperature (BBT)

  • Observing cervical mucus

  • Assessing my cervical position

    We were able to adapt our timing of conception to be during my peak fertile phase for better success.

Had I assumed I was ovulating on day 14, when I wasn’t even fertile, I wouldn’t have conceived my son! 😭

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    Your body doesn’t live on a timeline

    Most women don’t ovulate on day 14 of their cycle.

    Most women don’t consistently have 28 day cycles.

    Many women are not done being pregnant at 40 weeks.

    The Power of Unique Cycles

    So, I share this story for a few reasons:

    👉🏽 To remind you that every cycle is unique, and tracking your fertility signs can ensure your efforts will have the most chances of being successful.

    👉🏽 To let you know that you can get pregnant EVEN with a long cycle! Your body's fertility signs will guide you to your most fertile days!

    👉🏽 To inspire hope and give you back the power on your own fertility journey.

    ​Charting my cycle ​and fertility signs for years leading up to the time when we began trying to conceive (TTC) made all the difference.

    I learned something crucial: even if your cycle follows a trend, you can never make assumptions about how your cycle will behave.

    Don't you want to KNOW when you're fertile rather than take shots in the dark and GUESS?

    Wouldn't you want to know if you if you had delayed ovulation or a short luteal phase- both indicating potential hormone imbalances like estrogen dominance or low progesterone (and both with very actionable steps you can take to restore your fertility back to balance)?

    I understand the struggles you may face on your fertility journey, working to balance your hormones and optimize your chances for natural conception. THIS is exactly why in my course Resilient Mothethood: a step-by-step guide to preparing for conception and beyond I have an entire module dedicated to helping you understand your menstrual cycle and fertility signs. So what does this mean for you?

    📅 Tracking ALL of your fertility signs: Take control of your conception efforts by learning how to track and interpret your body's unique fertility signals. No more guessing games – you'll know exactly when you're fertile.

    🚩 Identifying fertility red flags: Uncover potential imbalances in your menstrual cycle by reading your fertility signs. By achieving body literacy, you can address these imbalances proactively and optimize your chances of conception!

    💡 Interpreting contributing factors: Understand what may be causing your symptoms and challenges. With this knowledge, you can tailor your approach to overcome obstacles on your fertility journey.

    🌿 Taking action: The most crucial step! Armed with insights and awareness, you'll discover actionable steps to improve your hormone balance, fertility, and overall reproductive health.

    In Resilient Motherhood, I provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to navigate your fertility journey with confidence and hope. Say goodbye to uncertainty and hello to a path paved with empowered choices and transformative results.

    But tracking your cycle isn’t everything…

    The Role of Natural Fertility Boosters

    While charting your cycle is a crucial step, there are additional natural fertility boosters you can explore to support your journey. Consider incorporating fertility-friendly foods and herbs into your diet (learn more about this in my FREE masterclass!). These can nourish your body and provide essential nutrients for reproductive health, helping you to extend your reproductive longevity, making you fertile for longer (essential if you’re TTC after 35+)!

    Fertility and/or prenatal supplements, when used thoughtfully and under professional guidance, can also play a beneficial role in optimizing fertility. Though, supplementation should be just that: supplements to your already nutrient-dense diet. There are so many supplements that are marketed to women like you who are preparing for pregnancy and trying to balance your hormones that it’s no surprise when new clients bring me a full list of supplements they’re taking and then follow it with a “I’m not really sure why I’m taking this or if it’s helping” kind of statement. That’s why I LOVE helping my clients go through their supplement list and narrow it down to the ones that will give them the biggest bang for their buck considering their personal fertility goals. Want me to do this for you? Work with me here!

    Sperm Health: A Vital Factor

    Conception is a dance between the female body and healthy sperm. While we often focus on female fertility, sperm health is equally important. To promote optimal sperm health, encourage your partner to adopt a healthy lifestyle, eat nutrient-rich foods, and consider fertility-boosting supplements. Learn more about this in my Resilient Fertility Podcast episode with Ayla Barmmer, RDN: Optimizing Preconception Health: The Impact of Male Fertility on Pregnancy and Future Generations

    ⚕️ Preconception Care and Checkup ⚕️

    Before embarking on your journey to conceive, consider a preconception care plan. A preconception checkup with a trusted natural fertility specialist (like me!) can assess your overall health and fertility. This personalized care ensures you're in the best possible shape to welcome a new life. My Resilient Motherhood Coaching is for you if you’d like this personalized approach!

    The Power of Natural Fertility Cleansing

    If you've been on hormonal birth control or have generally followed a mainstream standard american Lifestyle/Diet, consider a natural fertility cleanse (like the natural type of cleanse I teach on Resilient Motherhood).

    This can help reset your body's natural balance and prepare it for conception.

    Before you dive into your 3-month preconception phase, let's talk about detoxification. Picture it like a superhero mission to clear out the toxins and make way for a thriving pregnancy!

    Learn more about this in my Resilient Fertility Podcast Episode, “Do You Need to ‘Do a Detox’ before getting pregnant?”

    In this episode of the Resilient Fertility Podcast you'll learn:

    • Why taking steps to support detoxification BEFORE your 3 month preconception window is important for optimal health of your future baby

    • How environmental toxicants can impact your fertility (and male fertility), directly impacting egg quality and sperm quality

    • The impact your environment has on your hormone balance, influencing states of estrogen dominance and common conditions symptoms like PCOS, Endometriosis, PMS, heavy periods, irregular cycles and more

    • What you can do to reduce your chances of experiencing extreme nausea and vomiting in pregnancy and some natural strategies to improve Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG)

    • Whether or not you need to stop breastfeeding to do a detox before your next pregnancy

    • How I approach supporting detoxification in the preconception period

    You can start by optimizing nutrient density, fueling your body with whole, nourishing foods to resource your liver for its detox superhero duties. Think of it as your body's way of saying, "I am ready for this, bring it on!"

    One of the ways you can do this is by trying my detoxifying Dandelion Root Tea which helps to cleanse your liver and support healthy elimination!

    Sweat it Out, Mama!

    To support your body's natural detoxification process, indulge in some good ol' sweating! Whether it's a yoga session, dancing like nobody's watching, enjoying a relaxing sauna session, or hitting the gym, let those toxins bid farewell as you work up a sweat.

    For best outcomes to eliminate endocrine disrupting toxins like BPA, heavy metals, PFOAs and flame retardants, I recommend my clients do 30 minutes of zone 2 “conversational” cardio (like dancing, cycling, hooping, jogging, etc.) followed by 30 minutes of sweating in the sauna. Doing this cardio will help to mobilize stored fat where the toxins are stored, then sweating in the sauna will help to release those toxins!

    You'll feel like a rockstar, ready to embrace motherhood like the boss you are! Plus, any of these strategies will also help you build up your mental resilience to train you to become the resilient mother you were meant to be!

    Farewell, Endocrine Disruptors: Minimize the Culprits

    Now, let's tackle those pesky endocrine disruptors head-on. Prevention is your BEST bet to minimize their effects on your hormone balance because no matter how much sweating or exercise you’re doing, if you’re still being exposed regularly, then that’s not what we’re going for. Avoiding certain materials can be a game-changer! It’s time to start saying goodbye to BPA, phthalates, parabens, and flame retardants lurking in everyday items.

    If you’re feeling overwhelmed trying to sift through the noise of figuring out what’s “toxic” and how do you reduce your toxic burden, check out this podcast episode my husband (a Naturopathic Doctor) and I recorded on practical tips to make non-toxic living approachable.

    And if you’re ready to clean up your wardrobe, be sure to check out my blog post “Are your clothes made for your female body? Here’s how to choose clothing that supports your reproductive health

    Be fierce and show them who's boss!

    Seeking Expert Guidance

    Remember, you don't have to navigate this journey alone. Consider seeking the guidance of a TTC nutritionist like myself or another qualified holistic fertility expert who can tailor a plan to your unique needs. Expert support can make all the difference in achieving your dream of motherhood.

    🌿 Enroll in the Resilient Motherhood Course and Coaching 🌿

    If you're ready to embrace your body's wisdom and take charge of your fertility journey, I invite you to enroll in my comprehensive online course and private coaching program – Resilient Motherhood.

    In Resilient Motherhood, you'll receive expert guidance on improving hormone balance, overcoming nutritional deficiencies, and optimizing your fertility for an easeful conception. The program is designed to support you in restoring from prior pregnancies or hormonal birth control use.

    Embrace your power within and let go of stress with mindset-shifting tools, giving you the confidence and joy you deserve on your path to motherhood.

    🌺 Together, we'll unlock the doors to a resilient and thriving motherhood journey. 🌺

    Are you ready to take the leap towards natural fertility solutions and unlock your full potential for conception success? Enroll in Resilient Motherhood today and embark on a transformative journey towards motherhood.


    What I Chose to Unlearn Before I Gave Birth


    The Safeguards of Natural Fertility: How Your Body Chooses the Perfect Sperm For Conception