Fresh Peaches with Lavender-infused Cream

Peach and lavender is one of my favorite flavor combinations and as I continue to pick peaches from my favorite trees through the season and picking lavender from my garden and local lavender farms, I find myself adding slight variations to this flavor combination. (I've also been adding crushed peaches and lavender to the second-fermentation of my Jun kombucha and it's just so mouthwatering!)

Full-fat dairy, if you can tolerate it, is a wonderful source of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K), B vitamins, iodine, and probiotics (if cultured). Dairy fat is particularly a great source of Vitamin K2, which is especially important to support the optimal deposition of minerals like calcium where they are supposed to go, such as the bones and teeth, instead of in places like the blood vessels (you might have heard of calcification of the arteries). Vitamin D alone may increase calcium levels in the blood, but K2 is essential to ensure it goes where it’s needed. This is why when I recommend patients to go on a vitamin D3 supplement, I always recommend pairing it with vitamin K2 (you can find one here).

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    peaches and lavender cream

    Fresh Peaches with Lavender-infused Cream
    Serves 2


    2 fresh peaches, chopped
    1/4 cup heavy cream (preferably organic and from grass-fed cows)
    1 tsp dried lavender blossoms
    1 tsp vanilla extract
    1 tsp raw honey (optional, the peaches are definitely sweet enough)


    Heat a small skillet on medium-low heat with cream, lavender blossoms, vanilla and optional honey. Allow this to infuse for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent overheating the cream. Pour over a bowl of fresh peaches and enjoy!


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