I felt so alone.


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Resilient Motherhood: A step-by-step guide to preparing for conception and beyond

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    When I was preparing to conceive, I knew it in my bones that my body was made for this: conceiving, growing, birthing and feeding a baby from scratch!

    Beginning two years prior to conception, I did everything I knew to prepare. I listened to every single episode of the Birthfit podcast (at the time it was the only homebirth-friendly podcast that was on my radar).

    Before I even consciously conceived, I looked into midwifery options and figured out who I wanted to work with.

    I went out of my way to ask everyone I knew who was birthing at home and breastfeeding about their experiences, finding out their challenges, their solutions. I started listening to gentle/respectful parenting podcasts and reading books on wild, natural parenting. I researched all about the risk factors for postpartum depression/anxiety and started taking steps to minimize risk. I even explored the options for cloth diapering (though didn’t learn about EC until I was pregnant).

    I intentionally chose a Naturopathic Doctor as my PCP who also was an IBCLC and trained as a midwife to explore other ways to help prepare my body for baby. I had blood tests run on all the markers that I’m interested in when working with my fertility patients. I had my nutrient levels checked to ensure they were optimal before trying to conceive.

    And even though I found (most of) the information I was looking for and I appeared to have checked all the boxes, something was missing. I felt SO ALONE.

    Why did I feel like I was the only one taking the time that most people put into planning their weddings into preparing for motherhood?


    I craved (and still crave) community so deeply. I felt like the only one in my circle who was actively informing myself about everything I needed to know about approaching the motherhood transition.

    Why did I feel like the only one trying to forge a new path and not subscribe to the “default” that the majority subscribes to?

    Why did I have to seek out positive, empowering birth stories on podcasts and read about them in books instead of hear them from my fellow women that I encountered in my day-to-day life?

    In experiencing this isolation and these emotions first-hand, I have created an offering to help foster community among mothers walking this path of conscious, informed motherhood. My prayer for every woman who is interested in being supported and heard in an inclusive and non-judgemental space is to have that, she deserves that.

    You deserve a community of women who are seeking excellence in being: being mothers, women, community members, humans.

    A colleague of mine and Sacred Pregnancy Coach, Leubgythe Holm PhD, and I are so excited in holding a virtual Birthing Mamas' Moon Circle for this exact reason.
    We want to hold space for new mamas and mamas-to-be to gather in circle, to find a place of connection, safety, learning, and one where we can learn to trust our own innate wisdom and power to conceive, give birth and prepare consciously to become the parent and partner we hope to be.

    Registration if now OPEN and, if you are anywhere along the spectrum of being pregnancy curious to being bundled at home with your little nursling, this group is for you. Please join us as we create a virtual village of love, support and connection!

    Together in this virtual circle we will:

    • Explore themes of conscious conception, early attachment, connected parenting, the role of nutrition, breastfeeding, rites of passage, and so much more!

    • Hold space to safely be vulnerable about fears, challenges and joys surrounding the motherhood transition.

    • Cultivate meaningful connections.

    • Share experiences and wisdom.

    All women and all experiences are welcome, wherever you are in your birthing journey. We hope you will join us, Register here.


    Extra-Detox Kimchi


    Building Survival, Resilience, and Preparedness skills